Spring in Ludlow Forest
Sunday, 9th October 2022 - 10:00am to 4:00pm
Celebrate the official opening of the former Foresty District Office as a Ludlow Settlement Historical Display. The event also celebrates the work the Ludlow Tuart Forest Restoration Group have done in the tuart forest and the next phase to increase the biodiversity of the 50 hectare lease area.
The day will be filled with activities including Guest Speaker, Sabrina Hahn to provide expertise at the Settlements newly refurbished greenhouse. The day will also include:
- Welcome to Country
- Aboriginal dancers
- Des Donnelly will give a talk on Settlement and forest history
- Variety of activities for children
- Art show
- Various stalls; including – Woodturners, Blacksmith, classic cars, stationary engines, equipment display, garden club
- Food stalls
- Ludlow Tuart Forest Restoration Group Information Desk
- Settlement history display in the District Office.
- Busselton Historical society display in the District Office