Margaret River Fire & Rescue Service

In the event of a FIRE or life-threatening emergency ALWAYS dial 000
The Margaret River Fire & Rescue Service has served the local community for more than 60 years. Volunteer members devote many hours to the brigade, attending regular weekly training, skill refreshers, inter-agency training, public education and emergency response; including motor vehicle accidents, structural fires, hazardous material incidents, bushfires, animal rescue, ambulance assists and special service calls. 

The service regularly works with local Police, St John Ambulance Volunteers & the Community Paramedic. Situated opposite the Police Station, this is the district’s primary rescue brigade. The district also has nine Volunteer Bushfire Brigades, with two of those (Wallcliffe and Witchcliffe) being dual-registered brigades; able to respond to structural fires as well as bushfires.   

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