Photo of a Red-Tailed Black Cockatoo feather lying on the ground

For over 60,000 years this land has supported one of the world’s longest, unbroken human occupations, resulting in an immensely deep cultural knowledge and connection to the land. It is the traditional land of the Wadandi (Saltwater) People.

The Wadandi have lived here through the last ice age. They have adapted and survived through tens of thousands of years through an intrinsic knowledge of how to care for, and benefit from, the abundance of this island refugium. This land has changed in many ways during this long history. Yet, today, it remains a place of immense significance and of rich biodiversity. These significant coastal areas are important to the local Wadandi people and their connection to land and sea through songs, stories, spirituality and Dreaming.

Before you arrive, listen to this podcast about Margaret River’s Sense of Place. Get to know Margaret River’s arresting natural environment through an Aboriginal cultural custodian, Zac Webb, who explains human’s sense of connection to the land.

To learn more about Wadandi culture visit On Country, you can take a guided cultural tour with Koomal Dreaming and learn about the Wadandi people’s fascinating culture and incredible knowledge of their environment – taste native foods, discover bush medicine and meet the animals, plants and Dreaming spirits that have enriched the lives of the Wadandi people since time began.

While visiting we ask that you walk softly, taking the time to listen to and care for Boodja (Country).

Augusta Brand Shoot. Credit Ryan Murphy

Important Cultural Resources

Undalup Association

Undalup Association is a not-for-profit organisation formed in 2012 by Wadandi cultural custodians. Undalup work with local businesses, groups, organisations and industry to increase awareness of the South West as a destination where Aboriginal culture is strong, vibrant and diverse and to develop, in consultation with Aboriginal communities, sustainable Aboriginal tourism products and experiences. Undalup is the Wadandi word for Busselton named after a great Wadandi Warrior, ‘Undal’. Undalup Members believe that “from little things, big things grow”.

Kaartdijin Noongar

Kaartdijin in Noongar means 'knowledge'. The aim of the Kaartdijin website is to share the Noongar People's richness of knowledge, culture and history in order to strengthen the community and promote wider understanding. You can find many of our stories, which tell of our survival, as well as cultural and heritage information, photographs, film and documents. Kaartdijin has been developed at the South West Aboriginal Land and Sea Council, which has possibly the largest collection of Noongar specific knowledge and information brought together in one place.