Almost everyone who can walk and breathe can SeaTREK!
Come for a wonder wander underwater. Enjoy the thrill of exploring the ocean and all its wonders, without the need for a dive course, and regardless of how fit or how good a swimmer you are.
Place a dive helmet on your head, and you can then descend down into the marine world beneath the 150 year old Busselton Jetty. Its a magical, awe-inspiring place filled with giant pylons, stunningly beautiful and colourful corals, and many different fish and species of sealife.
You don’t need any previous diving experience or to be physically fit – and you can wear glasses and contact lenses, and make-up during your tour too! (You won’t even get your hair wet if you wear it up.)
Along with a wetsuit and tour sandals, you’ll be wearing a custom-made ‘breathe-easy’ SeaTREK helmet (worth a cool $20,000!) designed to let you breathe completely naturally underwater as you explore the wildlife around you.
All equipment and training will be provided by our team of dive professionals. Just bring your swimwear and a towel and sun-smart clothing and come on down to get up close and very personal with some stunning marine life.
2 hours 30 minutes (inclusive of the walk)
Arrive at least 30 minutes prior to the start of your tour to allow time to walk to the end of the Jetty.
Busselton Jetty Undersea Walk
Anyone aged 12+ can do an Undersea Helmet Walk – it’s suitable for all abilities, no diving experience required.
Using world-leading high-tech helmets their friendly team of expert dive professionals will take you down to the ocean floor to experience the wonderful underwater world.
Be sure to bring your bathers and a towel with you.
Changeroom and shower facilities are available.
Undersea Helmet Walk uses compressed air, they require all participants to complete a self-assessment form.
If you have a history of any of the medical conditions listed, you will need a GP to clear you before you arrive for your tour.