Rare Foods Australia (ASX:RFA) are the only wild enhanced fishery in the world using certified sustainable practices to produce Greenlip Abalone.
Based in Augusta, Rare Foods Australiais a Western Australian company dedicated to the sourcing and distribution of rare and premium produce. Formerly Ocean Grown Abalone, they developed a world-first ocean ranching innovation that enables them to deliver high-grade, wild-caught greenlip abalone all year round regardless of season.
All of their wild-caught abalone fisheries are MSC-certified, reflecting their dedication to offer only rare and reassuringly sustainable produce from the pristine South-West of Western Australia.
Their flagship brand is the widely popular Two Oceans Wild Abalone, offering premium Greenlip and Roei abalone.
They have also recently opened their Ocean Pantry, a retail arm showcasing their innovations and products for purchase, which also provides a coffee service where you can enjoy the ocean views.
There are more projects in the pipeline which will be shared with the public in the coming months.