Firetail & Roje Estate Wines
The red-eared Firetail, along with Roje Estates wines, is of uncommon status. Unique to the southwest of Western Australia, Firetail nests by meandering creeks amongst the Jarrah, Marri and Tuart forests. Firetail can be identified by its brilliant colour and floating voice. Produced in a select clutch annually, Firetail nestlings have intricate palate and tongue patterns. Firetail, of independent character, enjoys life singly, in pairs or with family parties.
Vineyard & Cellar Door
Roje Estates are tree-changer owned small vineyards in Rosa Glen, producing delightful wines from 30 year old vines. The Firetail cellar door is set amongst the trees and offers close views of the vines and local birdlife. Do drop in to meet either Rob or Jessica, taste their wines, refresh with a tea or coffee and enjoy the space.