“Every once in a while, you encounter an extraordinary patch of land, one that varies greatly from the surrounding landscape, one that is impossibly unique in so many ways, this is one such place.”
Through many years of planting then working the vineyard and farm, an innate connection to the land has formed, a respect for the land and just how much it gives became apparent. Chris' planting of the vines on the Windows farm has been done with thoughtfulness and sensitivity to the land, the diversity is such that there are five different plots of vines totalling a mere 15 acres, ensuing profoundly structured wine pulsating with energy from this carefully nurtured land.
Chris is deeply rooted to this piece of land having begun farming it at the tender age of 19. He is committed to an organic and holistic farming model signified by organic certification (ACO 12844). From inception, he has nurtured the land and the vines. Unwilling to compromise the health of the land, the state of his treasured vines and ultimately the quality of the fruit, he has worked the vineyard completely on his own from day one. No stranger to hard physical labour he hand-prunes every single one of the vines himself, year after year. Apart from the very day the grapes are harvested no one else is ever allowed to touch his vines.
He produces wines of purity and complexity, expressive of and deeply rooted to the land. It is an inimitable vision of a person who has focused their life’s work on a single vineyard. Only through viticultural focus and observation of the land and nature over decades can one truly understand and appreciate that complexity is achieved only with the mindful union of land, organic farming, soil, clone and minimal winemaking regimen.
Organic Vineyard/Farm Tour
“Every once in a while, you encounter an extraordinary patch of land, one that varies greatly from the surrounding landscape, one that is impossibly unique in so many ways, this is one such place.”
Through many years of planting then working the vineyard and farm, an innate connection to the land has formed, a respect for the land and just how much it gives became apparent. Chris' planting of the vines on the Windows farm has been done with thoughtfulness and sensitivity to the land, the diversity is such that there are five different plots of vines totalling a mere 15 acres, ensuing profoundly structured wine pulsating with energy from this carefully nurtured land.
Chris is deeply rooted to this piece of land having begun farming it at the tender age of 19. He is committed to an organic and holistic farming model signified by organic certification (ACO 12844). From inception, he has nurtured the land and the vines. Unwilling to compromise the health of the land, the state of his treasured vines and ultimately the quality of the fruit, he has worked the vineyard completely on his own from day one. No stranger to hard physical labour he hand-prunes every single one of the vines himself, year after year. Apart from the very day the grapes are harvested no one else is ever allowed to touch his vines.
He produces wines of purity and complexity, expressive of and deeply rooted to the land. It is an inimitable vision of a person who has focused their life’s work on a single vineyard. Only through viticultural focus and observation of the land and nature over decades can one truly understand and appreciate that complexity is achieved only with the mindful union of land, organic farming, soil, clone and minimal winemaking regimen.